Mikumi National Park

Mikumi National Park is located  in the north of the Selous Game Reserve in Morogoro region. It is bordered by Uluguru Mountains in the North and Rubeho Mountains to the south-east. The main feature in the park is Mkata River Flood Plain. The park was extended to border with Selous in 1975 . It was gazetted in 1964 during the construction of Morogoro- Iringa  highway. The park shares the eco-system with the Selous Game Reserve, and Kilombero Game Controlled Area.

With 3,230 square kilometers coverage Mikumi National Park is well-known park in Tanzania. The park is well-known for its population of elephants, giraffes buffaloes, zebras, elands, greater Kudu, wildebeest, roan and sable antelope. Predators include tree-climbing lions (which are in large number), leopards, wild hunting dogs and black-backed jackal.

More than 400 species of birds have been recorded here including Eurasian migrants such as red billed oxpecker, marabou stork and lilac breasted roller, which stays between October and April.

There are more interesting bird species in the Miombo woodland, for example, Shelley’s double collared sunbird, pale billed hornbill and violet-crested Turaco as well as violet-backed starling

The surrounding mountain and hills brings compelling natural beauty with addition to superb light, make it a wonderful venue for wildlife photographers.
It is common to see elephants, lions and sometimes giraffes on/along the Tanzania-Zambia highway, especially in the evening or night. Nowadays leopards are commonly seen

Birding in Mkata Flooding Plain

Mkata flood plain is the main feature in the Mikumi national park.  The plain is dominated by ridges and separated by narrow depressions of black cotton soil. The northern portion of the plain remains swampy all year round providing a favorite mud grounds for buffaloes and number of birds species, such as ground hornbills..
The northern portion of the plain remains swampy all year round providing a favorite mud grounds for buffaloes and number of birds species, such as ground hornbills. The southern depressions form water courses which flow to Mkata River and supporting large population of wildlife including buffalo, wild dog, eland, elephant, giraffe, hartebeest, zebra, leopard, lion, impala, sable antelope, warthog, waterbuck, wildebeest, and greater kudu. Yellow baboons, impala and reedbuck are commonly seen at Kisingura area along the Mkata River.
Kikoboga is famous for the concentration of elephants especially December and January. Other animals which reside in this flood plain are Liechtenstein’s hartebeest and eland; packs of wild dogs are seen here more regularly.
Chamgore, the center point for animals on the Mkata River. There are two water holes (one is the hippo pool) where many animals gather for water drinking, especially during dry season. The famous here are saddle-bill storks, hammer kops, and malachite kingfisher, others including crocodile, monitor lizard, and large pythons.

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